
Sunday, February 05, 2017

Dear deer And a full stop after that instead of the usual comma. Period.

Dear Deer
And a full stop after that, instead of the usual comma.  Period!

She was a little busy on that day, grazing here and there and thinking about her life in the forest. Rain was scarce and all the sources of food and water were drying up; leaving very little to eat for all the animals in the forest.

She was trying to suffice her waxing hunger by nibbling on the dry leaves that had fallen onto the ground. When she got some half dried leaves amidst the strewn out dried up leaves she became very happy. Her little calf was sucking her udder for milk. She had not fed it for a long time, busy locating a source of water and green grass along with her family flock.

Suddenly she watched the leader deer looking up with its two ears held upright in the air and sniffing rapidly. He was sending signals to all members of the flock to be alert and ready for a flight. She also heard some sort of a sound of an ill omen; looked around sniffing. She could catch the odour of an approaching lion.  And she located him finally. The lion was fast approaching and he will reach the flock in a minute. She thought that the lion will see them and will catch one of them; tear it into pieces before them and eat while the children, youth and adults of her family watched it.

It was too unbearable a sight to them. So she worked up a plan and started running in the opposite direction. The lion will locate her and will chase her, and thus, she thought she could drive the attention of the lion away from her family flock.

The lion saw the fleeing deer and started chasing her; a beautiful catch, he thought and started running after her with an increased pace.

When the lion reached far from her family and a few steps from her, she stopped abruptly. The lion also stopped immediately, thinking some tricks may be there in it. When she saw the lion had stopped a few steps away from her and is not pouncing on its prey the deer said.

Hey, lion you can eat me in full. If you catch me or anyone else in front of our family the whole of the deer will be frightened to hell. We cannot stand the sight of you killing one of us and tearing it into pieces, the pouring blood or the pitiable cry for precious life.  They will never be free from that shock in their life, I am sure. So I ran before you.

Now you can eat me, nobody will see it. I have just one request before you devour me, while going back take my child also away. I have been feeding her milk while we were alerted of your coming. You go and eat my little child also, because if I am not there it will die of hunger; nobody to feed her. I don’t want my child to suffer like that. You catch and eat my child too, and avoid my family for a longer time.

The lion thought for a moment and started speaking to the deer. Normally we start hunting playfully much before we are hungry; then only we can catch a prey when we are hungry. We will catch, kill and eat our prey only when we are really hungry. Now you have stopped and surrendered before I am hungry; so I can’t catch and eat you and the lion returned back.

Again both of them received a strange sound of an ill fate and the lion took to its feet. The deer looked around with its ears held up straight. Suddenly it happened. An arrow came flying from nowhere and pierced through the chest of the mother deer. She fell down and was writhing in pain. When she looked up in a prayer she saw a human animal approaching. Her child with its legs tied was placed around the neck of the human animal. The little deer was too frightened and finally had to watch her mother writhing in pain and dying.

All the hard work she indulged herself in, and the risks taken were all in vain. Nobody to cry out a “manishada’ was left on earth then.

Uncompromisingly they choose a full stop, where just a comma would have been sufficing. Period.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Eve- Above all

Eve, above all.

Easy Pencil Sketches Of Girl Face | Chelss Chapman

The day God created a woman, he was really happy. He was overworking on that day. He continued his work even after his normal hours.

A Heavenite, who happened to pass by saw God and asked him; “Why you take so much of time for this, unlike for other works?”

God asked the Heavenite  “Don’t you see how hard I work, don’t you understand how hard is it to make her”?

“She must be perfect in everything; she must be able to cook any food, she must be able to foster a lot of children, take care of them properly, must be knowing how to care the wounded, must be knowing how to treat a person when he is struck with any diseases, she must be able to work continuously for at least 18 hours a day without getting tired, she should be ambidextrous a person…., she must be capable of doing everything with her two hands…………”

The Heavenite was surprised to hear this; “with this two hands;  is this the creature with who you’re going to get these lot of things done”?

That Heavenite then  touched the creation and remarked “ Oh, this is too soft”

God said, “Yes, even then she is powerful, you never can guess rightly what are the things she can do and what are the things she can accomplish in her life”

Heavenite asked again, “Will she be able to think by herself”?

“Not only to think, she will be able to find the reasons for many things, and can argue with you on a host of things, rightly”; God continued.”

The Heavenite then touched the cheek of the newly created object called woman and remarked; “Oh God, perfect; but there’s a leak”

God answered; “Nay, it’s not a leak, it’s her tears”

The Heavenite: “Whassat? Why that?”

God: “She gives vent to all her emotions, and get many things done, through this lacrimal secretion”
The Heavenite: “Oh; how great are you, God!” “This, for sure, is the greatest of all your creations”
God: “Of course!”

God, after completing his creation, stood a little away and watched his creation. He understood that she was extremely beautiful, charming and without even a single flaw in its structure.

But God when he stood watching her like that, he felt a silent fear creeping into his mind, and it dwelt inside as a nagging pain.

The man, when he see her, will never do anything else, he will forget every work and will get glued to this object; spend the whole of his life watching this creation. This was what God worried. He thought for a long time, how to overcome this hurdle. He thought for a moment; and became silent for another stretch of time.

Suddenly He woke up from His deep and intense stream of thought, went boldly to his creation again and made some alterations. He made another organ for her, a little flat, longer and wavy. He opened her jaws and inserted it into her mouth. A tongue he called that organ; and every problem was solved.

Everything after that went perfect. 

Adorning The Self

Monday, April 07, 2014

Friday, September 27, 2013

News Analysis

We have been telecasting News Analysis for the past four and a half years. Now we have made it a little more better. Would you please watch this episode and go back and watch the previous post in this blog? Then would you please send me your opinion about the progress we made, and the progress we have to. from this stage onward?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Please watch my cat with a rat playing tat tat. The rat was caught by its mother and brought for its kitten to eat. Even when the cat mother had a more emptier stomach than its kitten. A cat can kill a rat and never a man. A man should not. I have a lot of rats in my house. They even had shown the audacity to lay their hands on my blue Allen Solly. Please Come to Chelembra.Visit my palace appat, where Thuthil, shekharan, Jansy, karpputty, me, my wife, our two children, my Ismails, Ramdas, spoonbirds, along with a lot others live happily. All these people make it a heaven, and I try hard not to make it a hell. The only sorrow we have now is that we miss you. Why don't you join us in this heaven. God was there playing somewhere in between these people. They play together always, I have seen it, I wish he played with me too... 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

News Analysis

My News Channel I have been telecasting News Analysis, a weekly magazine on current affairs, for the past four and a half years. I request you to watch this episode and compare it with the episode telecast some years back. You can watch it in this blog itself. Please visit my channel: 



About Me

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I am from Kerala state of India. I have been in the teaching profession for a long time. I have taken up many training assignments also.